Front mission 4
Front mission 4

front mission 4

  • World Tour: In 4, the Durandal travels across the UK, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Zaftra (Russia), Ukraine, Portugal, and France.
  • front mission 4

    We Will Not Use Photoshop in the Future: The Zaftran conspiracy to destroy the resource base in Poland and start a war between the EC and UCS would've been busted a long time ago if someone had the brilliant idea to use Video Cameras to record footage of the "mysterious" attackers.Multinational Team: The Durandal has members from the EC, the USN, and Zaftra.But if you think that makes them less dangerous, perhaps you should think again. Although most of them are on secondment from their national militaries, the group is fairly laid back. Big Good: Prime Minister Lionel Noland and Vice Minister Allison.The Chick: Beck Canova, a former pro soccer player.The Smart Guy: Hermes Sturges (tech-savvy) and Dieter Bosch (social-savvy).Darrill's arc consists of helping Alianza de Libertad Venezolana guerrillas fight against secessionist Venezuelan forces after fighting unidentified wanzers in the country.Elise's arc consists of investigating the blitzkrieg attack on EC bases in Europe with the rest of Durandal after being targeted by unidentified wanzers.But even though the status screen obscures enemy pilots' names with ? instead, any Russian-speaking player will uncover the mystery long before their characters do — since the model types of the hostile wanzers aren't obscured, and they obviously read "Desire" and "Challenge" in Russian. Interface Spoiler: The plot opens with the unknown military party attacking a German base, and good guys spend their initial missions trying to find out who it actually was.Speaking to certain people during the intermissions can also get you some additional gear. The problem is that some of them are hard and chances are that you will miss most of them on the first run through the game. Guide Dang It!: In 4, there are missions which have secondary objectives and will reward you with nice stuff if they are completed.Dark Is Evil: The antagonistic Zaftran forces had a black color scheme.You may shoot your teammates by accident while trying to shoot an enemy and they'll be fine. Friendly Fireproof: Played straight in 4.

    front mission 4

    Cutscene Power to the Max: Rocket-shaped verniers in 4.To master the game, you'll have to exploit these "links" to the full, so your soldiers would coordinate both on the offense and the defense, constantly providing supporting and covering fire to each other. Combination Attack: Front Mission 4 takes the "assist" Pilot Skills from its predecessor, and builds the entire combat system around them.All There in the Manual: The novel Front Mission 4 ~Elsa~ gives more focus to Elise and Darrill for details that weren't included in the game.

    Front mission 4